My 3 Essential Habits for Living Well

The inspiration for this blog comes from a minimalist, author Joshua Becker. While we all have habits that we all live by, these three are my essentials. By doing them, everything else seems to flow more easily. Habit #1 – Meditation and quiet time After waking [...]

2023-08-23T13:05:59+00:00August 23rd, 2023|Blog|


Be the peace that you wish to see in the world. Martin Luther King Jr. Is there anyone in your life that challenges your serenity? You might call them troublemakers. Of course, we all have such people and situations. The question is what do we do about [...]

2023-06-16T13:25:22+00:00June 16th, 2023|Blog|

How to Find “Rapture” in Your Daily Life

Rapture:  a feeling of intense pleasure or joy. "She listened with rapture." Shortly after learning to meditate in 1974, I watched a videotaped lecture given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He brought Transcendental Meditation® to the West, and I was receptive to his teachings. One of them, [...]

2023-04-20T13:56:33+00:00April 19th, 2023|Blog|

7 Tips to Live Longer & Happier

Few would dispute that we live in a turbulent crazy time. Here’s a suggestion, try to make a practice of implementing one or two of these approaches daily for a month. Then evaluate its impact. Who knows, you might like to add more. Remember to breathe [...]

2023-04-20T13:55:27+00:00March 7th, 2023|Blog|

Embrace Winter: Align with Nature

Embrace Winter: Align with Nature - Winter is a perfect time for rest and rejuvenation. Look around, nature slows down during this season. Now, I realize that none of us humans can go into hibernation for the winter. For us, active life goes on.   Every [...]

2023-04-20T13:27:58+00:00January 18th, 2023|Blog|

It’s All About VIBRATION, How’s Yours?

It’s All About VIBRATION, How’s Yours? We are all influenced by vibration. Sound is vibration. Some sounds/vibrations relax and soothe our souls, while others irritate us! I am sure you’ve noticed. Quantum Physics tells us that all atoms are in constant motion or vibration. Everything, physical matter, [...]

2023-04-20T13:28:09+00:00August 26th, 2022|Blog|

INNER PEACE, the Need Cries Out: a Spiritual Journey

A recent article in the Washington Post declared mental health professionals are overwhelmed by the demand for their services. First, the pandemic caused two years of collective trauma, and now there’s another heartbreaking war.  Aren’t we all struggling to make sense of the world in which we live? It’s no [...]

2023-04-20T13:28:22+00:00March 28th, 2022|Blog|

Feed Your Soul in the New Year: Meditate

Life today Most of us are busy. Do your eyes glaze over when you look at your calendar or open your email inbox? Many say they long lost the ability to relax or to get a good night’s sleep. Their mind’s never rest. This is a serious problem with consequences [...]

2023-04-20T13:28:28+00:00January 21st, 2022|Blog|
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