1. Can I lie down to meditate?
Sitting is traditionally viewed as the preferred position for meditation. While some people lie down to meditate and some even walk, sitting will bring alertness to the mind.
2. Is there a best way to sit?
Be comfortable while you meditate. There are differing opinions on this; you will go deeper by being comfortable.
3. Is there a best time of day to meditate?
Early in the morning is a good time. The house is usually quieter. Nature is waking up, so this quietness is very conducive to supporting a quiet mind.
4. My home is so noisy. What can I do?
This is a frequent concern that beginners express, kids, dogs, spouses, the neighbors lawnmower. There is noise everywhere. While having a serene, peaceful location is nice, it is not at all necessary.
5. My mind never settles. What can I do?
It’s always thinking. Eckhart Tolle, in his insightful book, A New Earth, often refers to the conscious thinking level of the mind as the monkey mind or ego mind. Making time for two consistent meditation periods each day, without concern for the outcome, will do wonders to quiet the mind. Fifteen to twenty minutes at each sitting is ideal for most adults.
6. How do I handle interruptions?
Ideally, you want a quiet environment, however even in our busy noise filled world you will get tremendous benefits from regular meditation practice. We need to take steps to minimize disturbances. Two simple steps you could take are to turn off your phone, and put a sign on the door letting people know when you will be available.
7. How does patience and discipline fit in to a meditation practice?
First of all a regular meditation practice will have a significant impact in building patience and discipline. The catch 22 is that your regular meditation practice requires some patience and discipline.
8. I have tried mediating before and never stuck with it. Will I be able to do this?
Yes! Because Effortless Meditation™ is so easy to do, people are often encouraged to continue with regular meditation practice whereas in the past they have given up on more difficult meditation styles. Most people tell us that they look forward to Effortless Meditation™ after a tiring day at work. It is refreshing and clears away the stress of the day.
9. Are there different types of meditation?
While there are many styles of meditation, there are three major categories. Many meditation practices involve concentration or focus. In Zen styles, the concentration is very active and for others such as mindfulness practices, the focus is more passive. A second category involves contemplation practices. Visualizing yourself at the beach or in a quiet place is a contemplative practice. Others may contemplate the meaning of an inspirational passage in a book. The third category of meditation practices involves transcending, going beyond thought. Effortless Meditation™ is this type. Many of our clients say EM is far easier and more effective than other styles of meditation.
10. Is Effortless Meditation™ like hypnosis?
During hypnosis a suggestion is made to the person being hypnotized. This suggestion may come from a therapist or may be self-induced, i.e. self hypnosis. The suggestion may be to avoid cigarettes or to certain foods. There’s a specific intention for the hypnosis session whereas in Effortless Meditation, there is no suggestions or intention. EM™ is a mental technique that quiets the mind to a deep state of rest. A broad range of holistic benefits unfold naturally from this practice of deep rest.